
Quantum Computation 

Professor: Fernando Brandao

office: 201 Annenberg

Teching Assistants: 

Thom Bohdanowicz, 239 Annenberg,         
Tian Wang, 232 Annenberg,

Office hours (TA):  

Mondays 4:00-5:15pm in 204 Annenberg 


J. Preskill, lecture notes (chapter 7
J. Preskill, lecture notes on toric and code and fault tolerance
D. Gottesman, intro quantum error correction and fault tolerance


100%: homework

Homeworks are due selected Tuesdays at 5pm 

- You can work in groups and discuss with other students. But you should write
   your own solutions by youeself. 

- Each student is entitled to one late extension of up to one week.

- Any further late homework decreases the grade by half each day delayed (total/2 if one day late, total/4 if two days late, …)


Lecture 1: 9 quit code
Lecture 2: Knill-Laflamme Conditions
Lecture 3: CSS codes
Lecture 4: Stabilizers codes
Lecture 5: Stabilizers codes 2
Lecture 6: Satibilizers codes 3
Lecutre 7: Toric code 1
Lecture 8: Toric code 2
Lecture 9: Fault tolerance 1
Lecture 10: Fault tolerance 2 



Problem Set 1, due Jan 28 
Problem Set 2, due Mar 02
Problem Set 3, due Mar 18